The Andover Historical Society has been writing about Andover since before it was cool. They have been publishing the yearly recap titled It Happened in Andover since 2009. Previous to 2009 the the Andover Historian or Town and Village Clerks had been preparing this annual report since the 1970. There has been an annual report compiled by the Andover Historian since the 1940's, but it didn't have a cool name until 1970 when that oversight was corrected.

The annual publication of It Happened in Andover serves both as a historical record and a fund raiser for the Andover Historical Society. You can get your 2020 copy for $10 and previous years for $5-10 with decade collections available on CD for $10 per decade. Copies are available for sale at the Andover Historical Society Museum on East Greenwood Street on Wednesday, Thursday, and Fridays from 10 am to 3 pm or from any Andover Historical Society member.
Already have your 2020 copy? It Happened in Andover makes a great gift for birthdays, anniversaries, holidays, or just because. It's never too soon to start shopping for Christmas. There are only 148 days left! You can always buy a stack to keep on hand in case you need an unexpected gift.

© AndoverExclusive 2021