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2021 School Picture Day Tomorrow (Tuesday)

For any of you folks out there who never check your kids backpack or the school calendar tomorrow (9/14/2021) is school picture day at ACS. This means that whatever outfit your little angel(s) choose to wear to school tomorrow will be captured for eternity. There is still time to avoid disaster. Here are a few dos and don'ts for picture day.

Don't try something new. School Picture Day is not a day to get creative with your child's clothing or hair styles. I don't know if you recall that one time you decided to use the crimp iron for the very first time the morning of picture day 1997, but the school year book at the Andover historical society museum sure does. That time your mom made you and your sister cos play as grandma's couch in matching floral rompers in 1994? It's still framed at your mom's house. This is not a day to go Pintrest parent on your poor offspring.

Do dress your child normally or let them dress themselves. What were they wearing yesterday? Maybe just let them wear a cleaner slightly nicer version of that. This will be an accurate documentation of what they looked like at this age. When you're looking back on when Junior was 13 you can look at this picture and fondly remember how they DID really wear that sweatshirt everywhere didn't they.

Don't give your kid a pep talk. Advising your child not to "make a weird face" is inadvisable. Your kid will inevitably panic at crunch time and think to themselves "OMG what did dad/mom tell me to do?! Make a weird face? I think that was it." You will inevitably get the weirdest of weird faces.

Do tell your kid that you love them and hope they have a good day. They'll go to school all happy and confident and that will show in their pictures for sure.

Do remember there is a picture re-take day if your kid decides to go full goober tomorrow.

© AndoverExclusive 2021

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