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Andover Graduates Poised to Take the World by Storm


Last night the 2021 class of Andover Central School sent 18 newly minted ACS graduates out into the world to make their mark. This feat was not an easy one for many. Most fought through almost a full year of virtual and hybrid learning for the opportunity to finish out the last 6 weeks of their high school career in person.

The commencement was held on the front steps of Andover Central School so that families and community members could attend. Under blue skies Valedictorian Liberty Gaylord spoke about happiness and Salutatorian Livia Simon spoke about finding answers. Guest speaker, and former teacher and graduate, Denise Burrows offered words of wisdom. Principle Jon Morris and retiring Superintendent Lawrence Spangenburg also offered parting words.

Some Graduates are off to Universities and Colleges, others to technical schools or into the job market, and I'm sure there are some who just aren't sure yet. Some are putting down roots and others are running as fast as their legs can carry them to anywhere but Andover. I think we all remember that itch to get out and see the world. While they're away we'll be asking their folks about them any chance we get. There will be many conversations had at the Gas n' Grub or from front porches about how they're doing.

To the Graduates I would like to say, wherever you go know that Andover is still home if you want it. For good or for bad Andover will always claim you as one of ours. I hope some of you stay and I hope some of you come back after your adventures, but most of all I hope that you find happiness. In the mean time we will celebrate your successes and grieve your losses with you from afar even if we don't see you again until your 50th reunion. Your class president is probably already planning it. See you there in 2071. Don't forget to bring pictures of the grandkids.

graduation picture
ACS Graduating Class of 2021

© AndoverExclusive 2021

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