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Cake Day Friday Posts a Bit Much


Local woman, Jeannie Todd, is at it again with her #CakeDayFriday posts on Facebook. At the beginning of the quarantine in 2020 cake pictures began appearing each Friday. What began with a picture of a vanilla cake with mango and berry topping has turned into an unceasing onslaught of confection. This has spawned other hashtags like #feedthedavises.

It should be pointed out that these cakes are not a display of her personal culinary skill. It appears that she is just really good at ordering cakes and then taking pictures of them. Featured cakes have been from Holy Cakes, Giant Food Market, and Chelsea's Catering and Confections (run by former Andover resident Chelsea Wallace Burdick). It's assumed she's sharing these cakes with somebody.

There had been some hope for local residents that Cake Day Friday had been given up due to a recent lull in posting. However today's cherry vanilla cake with pineapple frosting post has folks shaking their heads again. Apparently the confection onslaught continues.

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