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Flags Go Up on Main Street


Updated: Jun 25, 2021

The village crew is out and about in town doing one of the things they do best, which is making Andover a beautiful place to live by installing the state flags along Main Street. They also keep the power on, the water flowing and the streets clean, but that's not nearly as easy to get a picture of.

Wayne Grant spearheaded the flags for Main Street project and raised funds for the flags as part of the 1986 Statue of Liberty Celebration which was held on the 4th of July of that year. In addition to the state flags the "community flag" was also purchased (the enormous one that gets carried down Main Street during the 4th of July parade). The flags have been replaced once over the years and the Andover American Legion assists with maintenance and storage of the flags. Wayne has been ensuring that they are installed with the help of the village and American Legion for over 35 years.

Is there a special significance to which state flags are displayed on each Main Street business? Not at all. When asked by village crew members which flags go where he states,"It doesn't matter. Just mix them up." This ensures a unbiased distribution of flags down Main Street so that no one gets too peeved about not getting a favorite flag.

Brice Erdmann can be seen here in the bucket installing some flags on the Village Pub with Wayne Grant directing and Tim Brown directing pedestrians and motorists as needed. They plan to be finished putting up the flags later today in honor of the upcoming Memorial Day weekend.

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