The Andover Village Pub has long been the main hoppin' place in town for hip young folks, old folks, and in between folks to grab a brew and chat. The pub layout hasn't really changed much in the last decade or two, but times are a changing.
What appears to be a new entrance has been constructed that exits to the south side of the Pub into the parking lot. Another structure can also be seen towards the rear of the building and rumor has it this is to house a walk in cooler. It is unclear at this time if this will lead to colder beers or simply shorter restocking times.
Not to be outdone construction on a covered stairwell began in earnest a couple weeks ago on the North side of the former Blarney Stone Pub. The stairwell is complete, but construction on the structure surrounding it is ongoing.
The head start by the Gaylord crew has given them a clear lead in finishing construction first though siding is still needed. The Duggan & Duggan crew are making speedy work of the stairwell project and will likely finish a close second. However, today's afternoon rain showers have put a bit of a delay in both crew's progress. Much speculation abounds on the color of the siding for both projects with white, grey, and brick red being front runners, but time will tell.
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