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Andover Weather Indecisive Ahead of Holiday Weekend


With the 4th of July weekend looming all eyes are turning to the weather forecast. Things are fairly up in the air at this point with maybe thunderstorms, or just rain, and may also get hail or none of those things. Temps will range anywhere from 55° to 86° and honestly, that could change.

Past weeks can not be counted on to predict what the weather has in store. Residents of Andover experienced some balmy weather last week with highs in the 90's with swamp butt level humidity. This week we're having thunderstorms and cooler overnight temps. It also just hailed, which seems a little overkill on mother nature's part.

When asked why the weather can't seem to make up it's mind a long time Andover resident stated, "I'm not sure what you were expecting, but this is normal. At least it's not snowing." To which another resident replied "Shut your mouth." We're assuming with all due respect.

It is requested that if you've been praying for rain that you kindly stop. A similar request is being made for those who had been praying for the heatwave to come to an end. It would be greatly appreciated if all prayers, vibes, and hopeful thoughts be directed towards 75° and mostly sunny with a light breeze.

Weather in Andover is all over the place

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